
5/20 Agenda Mayo 2020


Tenemos una gran oferta cultural para el mes, incluyendo eventos musicales y propuestas de literatura y cine. Para más información podés seguir la cuenta de @ArginUK en redes. 


15th April to 4th May ----> Rescheduled Dates Sep 4 – Oct 19 2020


Various venues around London

The festival hosts global superstars and the very best emerging talent from across the Latin Music world in venues across Central London.

This year’s event, originally scheduled to run throughout April and May, will now take place principally in September and October.

We have built La Linea on a sense of celebrating the community in music and dance. With London in lockdown it is important to be able to look forward to a time when we can come together again and so we’re really happy to have been able to reschedule the entire La Linea 20 event for later on in the year.

More info and tickets here


* Estos eventos no son organizados por la Embajada de Argentina en el Reino Unido.



Fecha de actualización: 08/04/2020